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Successfully Blogging for Your Business

Written By: Michaela

Do you have a blog? Are you blogging for your business? When was the last time you updated it, be honest with me? Maybe it has been a while?

Blogging is so important to your online business in so many ways! For one it is an easy way for you to create authentic connections with your potential clients. You also start building the know like and trust factor as well as, positioning yourself as an expert in your industry! That is just the benefits of humanizing your online business, but blogging is also important for getting found in search engines. Your blogging strategy should be based on using your brand keywords, client pain points, and authentically connecting to your readers. This way you start showing up in search results for the topics that YOUR potential clients are looking for.

Now, that we are clear on why blogging is beneficial for your business, let’s talk about what you need to know about blogging for your business for success.

Writing Purposefully

Blogging for your business is definitely a strategy for getting yourself visible and in front of your ideal clients. It should really be a part of your visibility strategy for your business.

I hear it time and time again from people that they don’t like blogging. After digging a little deeper we cover that they usually don’t know what to write about and that it takes too long to do.

This usually the case because they aren’t creating a plan for their content ahead of time, or writing to that the content so that it ties in with the services that they create and the solutions & benefits they provide.

How can you write your blog posts with purpose?

✨Create a plan for your content and don’t wait till it is the day to post to start writing.
✨Review your mission statement and your core values
✨Finally, ask yourself how this topic ties in with your ideal client’s pain points.

This will strengthen you know like and trust factor. It will start getting people knowledgeable about your services, skills, and abilities.

Content Planning

Create a strong blogging plan and an editorial calendar for your blog. Needless to say, you never want to go into anything in business without a plan but winging your blog content is a recipe for disaster! You will most likely get frustrated, burnt out, inconsistent, and be struggling. How do I know?? I was there before I sat down and created a real plan for my blogging content.

Create a blogging schedule. Are you going to post once a week? Twice a week? Once a month? While updating the content on your blog frequently is important it is more important to stick to a schedule and be consistent. Nothing erodes trust faster than saying you’re going to and then not delivering. So start small and increase your blogging if you can.

Next, keep a running list of topics on your phone or in a notebook. You never know when inspiration will strike. You want to make sure you don’t forget that amazing blog post topic when it comes time to planning.

Then sit down once a month and plan out what topics you are going to post about which days. That way you know when to sit down and write you know what you are going to write about. And the day your post is supposed to go live you aren’t panicking and writing less than your normal quality of content.

Focus on clients problems

Your blog is a perfect place to focus on the problems that your clients are facing. Ask yourself what are their pain points? What solutions can you offer to help alleviate these pains they have. Focus on the benefits that you provide and use them as starting points for your blogging topics.

✨Start by making a list of everything that your audience is struggling
✨Then use that list to create a list of blogging topics related to how you can help them solve the problem
✨If you aren’t sure about your client’s struggles reach out and ask them

Creating value for potential clients will create raving fans who are ready to buy from you. And while you will want instant results, remember that nothing happens overnight and that consistently creating content will organically start driving more traffic to your site. Success comes from consistency.


Your blogging topics should be driven by the keywords that you want to rank for on search engines. In the past website strategy meant including keywords as hidden words on the website so that search engines will find the words but not show for the people coming to visit.

As a heart-centered online business owner, you are all about authentically connecting and creating a rich content experience for your readers. While also doing your best to show up in search results. Using the words that you want to rank for in search in your blog posts is a great way to authentically meet both goals in a way that is natural and not icky.

✨Make a list of the all the words associated with what you do
✨Add a list of words that are related to how you do it
✨Make a list of your clients pain points
✨Then review all your words narrowing it down to around 10-15 keywords that represent what you do, how you do it, and who you serve.

Make sure to use these words in your headers, descriptions, and blog posts to help let the search engines know that you write on these topics.


When you are writing your posts or creating content of any kind do your best to do it when you are excited and pumped to be putting that content together for your readers. The excitement you feel about the topic when you are writing it will show in your writing and the readers will get excited about your content too. This makes for raving fans that are ready to buy from you when you put out new and exciting offers.

Review what you are writing about. Maybe what you are writing about isn’t exactly in alignment or something might be slightly out of joint causing you to have trouble writing. It seems like it should be easy to write about what your passions are. However sometimes if one little piece isn’t exactly right it feels like you are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole and nothing is going to work.

If you really struggle with getting excited about writing, find a system that helps you or consider hiring someone to write for you. Because being in love with your content is going to so important to helping you connect with your potential clients.

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