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Why I Always Schedule A Learning Day in My Week

Written By: Michaela

Learning Day Each Week | michaelahoffman.comWhen I graduated with my Psychology degree from Ball State University I knew I wasn’t at the end of my education. I really believe in life-long learning and I wouldn’t be where I am today, designing and coding websites if I didn’t continue learning outside of the classroom.

As I move forward with my business plans it is increasingly important to me to continue learning. If I don’t I’ll fall behind with the rapidly changing technology. One way I accomplish this is to schedule one whole day of my week to learning. I know that this may be unrealistic for some with where they are with their business but you make time for what is important and for the longevity of my business this is very important.

I am able to plan my week to have a whole day but if all you can spare is 10 minutes or an hour you should hold that time sacred and make the most of it.

Some weeks I expand my web development knowledge by practicing JavaScript but other weeks I practice new skills like calligraphy or painting. Sometimes I’ll spend the whole day tracking down articles and reading up on what is going on in my industry.

One of the ways that I schedule a whole day for just learning is by booking my time rather than gathering projects. I take on a limited number of clients at a time and I make sure that I don’t book more than what I can handle with my one day a week of learning.

I also have a running list in Evernote about all the things I want to learn. I’m currently up to 19 items on the list. It helps me keep straight all the skills and things I want to learn. While I sometimes spend the day honing my craft I also make sure to feed my creative soul with these days as well. This week I’ll be practicing up on my acrylic abstract painting skills. What do you want to learn this week?

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