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6 Things Your Designer Wants You to Know

Written By: Michaela

The contract is signed the deposit is paid and you are excited! You should be your project is going to get underway it is an exciting time.  As a designer, I want to provide my clients with a great experience while working with me. I feel like it is one of the most important areas of my business. But as with any relationship it is a two-way street there are things that you can do to be a rocking client and help your project run smoothly and get the most out of our time together. 6 Things Your Designer Wants You To Know |

1. Do your best to fill out the Client Homework as completely as possible and on time. There are a lot of things in the client packet that will help me define, create and make your project just the way you want. I know that while you are just getting starting you might not be able to answer every question that I have and that’s ok. Do your best and work through the packet. Skip things you don’t have answers for right away and come back to those later. It is just about impossible to create a successful design when I don’t know what I’m working with.

2. Be timely with responses to feedback. I can’t move forward without your approval at specific stages of the process and if you aren’t available at these crucial times it could push back or timeline or cause us to pause the project. I’ll provide you with a timeline specific to your project which will outline these crucial stages of the project and let you know when I’ll need you to be available

3. Be specific with your ideas and wants. As much as I wish my superpower was mind reading, it’s not. It is incredibly hard to design for “I’ll know it when I see it” Know what you like and what you don’t. Also speaking to inspiration, I love seeing what makes you excited about your project but I will not copy someone else’s designs putting your business’ name on it. Point to specific parts of the design that you like. I want to make something that is truly you and your business and sets you apart from the competition.

4. Can you make it bigger/bolder/more colorful? I welcome feedback during the project but keep in mind that every part of the design is intentional. I’ve got reasonings behind why I chose the different parts. While some of these requests may be accomplished within a specific design it doesn’t mean it will work. Tweaking elements of the design just because can cause a breakdown in the success of the design.

5. Put your trust me. You hired me for a reason and I’m here to listen to your ideas and help bring a cohesive vision to your dreams and goals. I know it is hard to step back and let another take over a project for your business but often a single element has more going on than just the visual aspects. I use my experience and expertise to consider your message, your user’s experience, design principles, and many other strategies to help make you a rocking website. I want you to succeed as much as you do!

6. Collaboration is the name of the game. I view each project as a collaboration. You are the expert on your company, goals, and vision. I’ll come to you to get as much information as possible then I’ll take over the design part using my knowledge and expertise to bring your vision for the project to life.

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