Have you checked in with your mindset recently? It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out or have been in business a while your mindset can make or break your success. Your mindset can be one of the best tools in your toolbox if you are using it to your advantage.
Mindset is the way you think about the world. It is partly what that inner voice says and how you interact to outside forces. And often it is an unconscious thought that manifests itself like not sharing your business with friends and family. You might say that it is because they won’t care or be interested…but more likely it is a deeper issue. I know from experience. I was afraid I wasn’t an expert enough to talk about my business. I doubted myself and for a long long time, and I wasn’t utilizing my most precious marketing channels.
I was letting my mindset about my expertise on design and business hold me back from sharing with people how I could help them. My mindset was holding me and my success back.
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The good news is that you have the power right now to change your mindset and get rid of these self-sabotaging behaviors.
+ Identify the thoughts that aren’t productive to your success and happiness
+ Ask yourself where these thoughts come from
+ Challenge these thoughts when they arise.
+ Replace these thoughts with ones that will help you succeed and reach your goals
I’ve had to challenge my own mindset several times as I started my business and I continue to check in and challenge it as I grow. It was hard and uncomfortable. And at times I had to walk away give myself time to absorb the ideas and make the changes. But only a few months later I don’t even recognize the lady boss I was back then. Being able to overcome this obstacles and mindset blocks has helped my business grow and become a happy place I love.
Some common mindset blocks you may face include money, expertise, fear, confidence and many more. Do you find that your mindset is holding you back? Want to create an actionable plan to change your mindset?
Schedule an introductory call with me today!