We all want to get more time out of our day and get as much accomplished as possible. I wish I knew how to get the clock to add an extra hour or two of awake time but I just haven’t figured out how to do that just yet. Anyway, nothing feels worse than working all day long and feeling like you’ve not accomplished anything. Feeling this way only makes you feel worse as you work your way through your week. I know this feeling well I used to have many days like this. Working all day but feeling bad because I didn’t feel like I got anything done.
That was until I reorganized my day, I decided to start with the most important thing on my list for that day first. My morning routine consists of getting up walking Gunnar to his office, checking my email (then closing it), then working on the highest priority item on my list. This way when I get it finished I’ve gotten at the very least one important task finished for the day. I then continue on with my day, sometimes I have meetings or proposals to write and as long as I’ve gotten that biggest to do list item crossed off I feel great about the day! This one small change has had the biggest impact on my productivity during the day!
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I will always wish I could get everything done but if laundry teaches us anything at all it isn’t going to be long in life with a to-do list that has zero items on it. But this small task has helped me will being more satisfied with my task list for the day. And having a better attitude when I start the day helps me get more done and not feel like I”m struggling as much with my to-do list.
If you want to know all about how I prioritize my to-do list and get the most out of my day check out my mini-course on Prioritizing Your Day!
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